Well this last few weeks i decided that in order to go further with building and designing websites i would have to learn more than i knew already. So i decided that first i would learn about html and how to use it so i could change things on my site like colours and headings and generally make my pages better looking and to do it all myself.Now i looked on the internet and found some very interesting sites that can help you , if you are planning to learn html then you need to take a look at this site and the best thing is that it is free and very helpfull. http://www.w3schools.com
They do a huge amount of programming information that can help you learn the basic`s of html and css and php and sql also javascript and much more , it was like being back in school lol. Now dont get me wrong it took quite a bit of time learning this bit by bit when i had the time and trust me i dont get that much free time.But after trying different things out i soon got the hang of the basics of html.

My next project is to lean all about php programming so i can add more interesting things to my traffic exchange without having to pay a programmer to do it for me.So far i have learnt a little php but will keep you informed of how i get on in this project as i imagine it will take a little longer to understand php programming properly.But first i will show you how easy html is to learn and what it can do, take a quick look at my site ,you can of course bookmark my site while you are there :) here is the link 


 Now the Front cover was done like that all with basic knowledge of html and straight away my front page is transformed into a eye catch site which is what we all want to have.And one thing you will need to know is how to add backlinks to your site as this is very important for the rankings on google and yahoo.I tend to have a page just dedicated to backlinks and work hard to try and get as many as i can , there are sites out there that exchange backlinks for free. Now to add a back link into the page the best way to do this is to use html code like the one below and it will
change it just to show as Vist Free Traffic Shop Today but if you then mouse over the link it will show the site and one click and you are straight at that site clever huh.Try it out and try and perfect it or if you think that your cant remember it open up your note book and set up a file and call it html codes and copy it so you can always double check


<a href="http://freetrafficshop.com" target="_blank">Visit Free Traffic Shop Today!</a> 

<p>If you copy this code to target= "_blank", the link will open in a new browser window/tab.And this is great for adding links to your sites or blogs or even emails</p>


Now to that piece of code you can do lots of different codes to make it bigger or change the colour so it could be red or which ever colour you want it to be so stay tuned to this blog for more info on html.